This picture has become a reminder to me that sometimes the best things in life are unexpected.
This picture, I took September 2008 at the Portland Street of Dreams. I almost deleted it. I didn't like the lighting, it was out of focus, not really my best work. However, I kinda liked the shadows and kept it around as something I might reference later as an idea for another picture.
So as I usually do I posted this picture to my Flickr account to share with my friends. Something strange happened. This picture (as of today 6/15/09) has more comments on it from non-friends than any other picture I have. It is the only one of my pictures that has been invited to join a special group. 5 people call it one of their favorite shots and it has been viewed 110 times (more than any other picture on that account).
I was (and still am) highly baffled by this. I still do not think it is a great shot. I still criticize the same issues that I did after I took it. But, other people see beauty in it.
I think the same is true with life. We tend to get down on ourselves when things do not go as planned. My life certainly has not gone as planned.
I am currently unemployed, dating a wonderful girl - who lives three hours away and staying with my parents until I can find a new job.
On the one hand it is very easy for me to get depressed about this whole situation. I am not working and I wonder if I am ever going to find a job. My girlfriend lives three hours away. I love her very much but want to see her more often than I do - and being unemployed it makes it hard to move forward in the relationship or make a lot trips to see her. I am living with my parents - need I say more?
However, on the other hand I have an amazing life. Yes, I am unemployed but I have family and friends doing everything they can to help me find a job. Yes, my girlfriend lives three hours away, but she understand my situation. She helps me out where and when she can and is willing to do for me as much as I am for her. Sure, I am living with my parents, but at least I have a roof over my head and food to eat.
So like this picture, my life is not what I wanted or expected it to be. But it still has beauty in it. It is still blessed by God. I would not trade my life right now for anything. And as I look at this picture I remember that not everything is as I perceive it to be.
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