Saturday, March 15, 2008

Unknown Destinations

Mark 11:1-11 

Take a moment and imagine the irony imbedded in Holy Week.  Nothing seems to happen as it should. First, on Palm Sunday Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph.  The people are praising Jesus and waving palms, greeting Jesus as a victorious king.  But less than a week later those same people condemn Jesus and by Good Friday he is dying on a cross.

Then on Holy Saturday, as Jesus is lying in the tomb, it appears that evil has won.  Satan has succeeded in killing God.  Imagine the fear and disillusionment the disciples must have felt.  But then on Sunday morning it is all reversed as Jesus rises from the dead, the victorious king he was praised to be only a week earlier. 

The same is true of our lives.  We may never understand where God is leading, or what is happening.  We may feel like God has failed at being God.  However, as Holy Week proves, God is a God of unpredictability.  God will always surprise with the best possible outcome from any situation, good or bad.

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