As we enter the last weeks of Lent we should look back and remember why we started this Lenten journey.
We started a 40 day fast because Jesus fasted. One of the goals of the Christian life is to be imitators of Christ, and we have a yearly fast as one way to help us accomplish this goal.
We started the fast because at various times throughout Scripture God calls his people to fast and pray. God called his people to step out of the normal routine of life for the purpose of removing sin from their lives and to draw them closer to Him.
This is the most important reason we fast, to allow God a chance to shake up our lives, to draw out of us the “sin that so easily ensnares” and to lead us into a fuller richer life with Him.
As we come close to the end of our Lenten journey and prepare for coming celebration of Easter, remember why you began the fast and be sure to finish it with the same purpose as you started.