Friday, November 28, 2008

1st Sunday of Advent - Hope

Isaiah 64:1-9
Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Mark 13:24-37

Sunday Nov. 30, 2008 marks the beginning of Advent, which also marks the beginning of a new cycle of the Christian year. The Christian year focuses the church on the major events in the life of Jesus.

Advent: The anticipation of His coming
Christmas: The celebration of his coming
Ephipany: Celebrating the visit of the Magi and later the baptism of Jesus
Lent: A 40 day fast, in honor of Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness, to prepare us for Easter.
Holy Week: A remembrance of the last week of his earthly ministry
Easter: The celebration of his resurrection from the dead.
Pentecost: The birthday of the Church

The overarching theme of Advent is anticipation. We remember the anticipation of the Old Testament saints who looked for the first coming of Messiah. We who are believers experience once again the anticipation we have looking for the second coming of Messiah.

This is why we focus on the theme of “Hope” for the first Sunday of Advent. Anticipation breeds hope. We see the fulfilled hope of the Old Testament saints who were waiting for the coming of Messiah. This should inspire us as we remember the hope we have that Messiah will one day return again and take us to live with Him forever in paradise.

The scriptures above are from the Revised Common Lectionary copyright ©1992 Consultation on Common Texts for Year B, the First Sunday in Advent.